Thursday, December 17, 2009

My Views on Health Care Reform

I've had quite a few people asking me how I feel about the direction that health care reform has taken since Lieberman outright screwed any chance for a public option or expansion of medicare. While I am in the middle of several time consuming job related deadlines, let me just say a few words which I am sure fellow progressives might not like to hear.

First, the term dissappointment best characterizes my feelings about the current health care reform proposals in the House and Senate. The House has a public option, but is weak on other cost control mechanisms and imposes undue restrictions on womens' privacy rights. The Senate bill has no public option, but does contain a variety of other measures that reduce health care costs. The big dissapointment for me is that, when all is said and done, there will be no public option and no expanded Medicare. At this point, that's a fact and there's nothing that can be done about it.

Secondly, the term "perplexed" best characterized by reaction to Howard Dean's call to kill the bill and start anew. The following statements by Kevin Drum at Mother Jones is illustrative of my curiosity towards Dean's position.

Here's what I want to know: which one of us is living in dreamland? If you don't like the Senate bill, fine. Don't support it. But in what universe will healthcare reform get revived anytime soon if it dies this year? 2010? With the legislative plate already jammed, healthcare reform probably polling in the mid 30s, and midterms coming up? 2011? After Republicans have gained a bunch of seats in both the House and Senate thanks to public disgust with Democratic disarray? 2012? A presidential election year? 2013? 2014?

Well said. What's more, anyone ever involved in things like NGO work or politics will always say that "sometimes small wins matter". Again, Kevin Drum:

But if it passes, here's what we get:
  • Insurers have to take all comers. They can't turn you down for a preexisting condition or cut you off after you get sick.
  • Community rating. Within a few broad classes, everyone gets charged the same amount for insurance.
  • Individual mandate. I know a lot of liberals hate this, but how is it different from a tax? And its purpose is sound: it keeps the insurance pool broad and insurance rates down.
  • A significant expansion of Medicaid.
  • Subsidies for low and middle income workers that keeps premium costs under 10% of income.
  • Limits on ER charges to low-income uninsured emergency patients.
  • Caps on out-of-pocket expenses.
  • A broad range of cost-containment measures.
  • A dedicated revenue stream to support all this.
As you read this post, you may know that I spent considerable energies here on Twitter and Facebook, trying to help energize the push for public option. But, I am never one to say that the best way to go down is to go down swinging. At heart, I am a pragmatist and know when tactical retreats are needed. AND RIGHT NOW, A TACTICAL RETREAT IS NEEDED.

What we have is a health care bill that is an utter mess, but better than nothing. In the short run, we no longer have the choice between public option or no public option. Our choice is between failing to pass some needed health care reform measures and hoping to solidify progressive majorities in the next Congress, versus killing health care legislation and...well then what?

I know some of you reading this have worked with me tweeting and retweeting health care stats and calls to action. And we should continue to do this. But, we also need to know what realistic options we have at this moment. Taking Dean's course of action is not one of them. Instead, lets get this needed reform passed, regroup, and focus on getting progressives in Congress in 2010. Then we can give a single-payer a serious push and expect to at least get something akin to a public option.

As an additional note: I think this petition is still worth signing. I still believe we need to make it clear that we object to having the public option sidelined.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Health Insurance and Mortality Rates: Who Lies?

This article is also posted at

Once again, willful ignorance about health care facts crawled out of the heads of conservative pundits in the weeks following the September release of a peer reviewed study entitled “Health Insurance and Mortality in U.S. Adults.” To be sure, ignorance was perhaps the only advantageous reaction by those more concerned about ensuring the buoyancy of media ratings or the failure of the Obama administration. After all, when discounting for education, income, smoking, drinking, and obesity, this study asserted that some 45 thousand deaths per year are associated with the lack of health insurance. Opposing health care changes would look profoundly immoral if opponents simultaneously admitted that 45 thousand people a year do in fact die due to lack of health insurance.

Unable to give credit to the idea that people do die because they don't have access to health insurance, conservative pundits resorted to those tactics that are typically found together with willful ignorance. Yes, through metaphors and analogies proven so useful for scaring the conservative base into social action, pundits simply assaulted the character of those who conducted the study. When you can't challenge the message, just kill the messenger. The assault included the familiar recitations about the “socialist” nexus between Harvard, science, and Obama, and quickly colored broader conservative discourses about health care reform. The evidence of this conspiratorial triad pointed toward the fact that two of the study's authors, David Himmelstein and Steffie Woolhandler, were also co-founders of a single-payer advocacy group called Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP). The researchers were quickly cast as the malicious “political doctors” or “left-wing fanatics” preaching a science “infused with left-wing politics”.

With the invention of this epic challenge, the potential for meaningful health care reform debate or respected scientific research was once again sacrificed on the alter for personal and political gain. The study was flawed not because of proof of poor research methods or biased data, but because the authors had well established political opinions supported by the conclusion of the study. That's right, according to conservative pundits, researchers are not supposed to have political views, or if we do, our views have to contradict our research findings in order to be constructively valid and unbiased. Forget the fact that scientists often chose research questions or topics that interest them, which explains why conservative organizations like the Center for Policy Analysis or the Heritage Foundation never thought to ask about the number of people that die a year due to lack of health insurance.

But, for a moment, let's assume that the 45,000 estimate for some reason is higher than actual number of deaths. What might a more orthodox estimate look like? Well, the answer is not hard to find, assuming that one is actually interested in estimating the number of deaths due to lack of health insurance. A study conducted by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2002 for example, reported 18,000 deaths in 2000 due to lack of health insurance. Stan Dorn, a senior researcher at the Urban Institute, updated the data linking health insurance to mortality risks. Dorn's results were shocking. Using the IOM's methodology, the report demonstrated that, in 2006, some 22,000 Americans died because they lacked health insurance. Moreover, when Dorn refined the methodology by rejecting the IOM's assumption that all people between the ages of 25-64 faced the same mortality benefits from health insurance, the numbers take a change for the worse. Now, instead of 18,000 deaths in 2000, Dorn's approach pointed to 20,000. Instead of 22,000 deaths in 2006, that number stood at 27,000 deaths. These numbers are hardly a cause for suggesting that health care in the U.S. is just fine as is. Remember, we waged two costly wars in a response to the tragic death of 4,000 people on American soil on September 11, 2001. Imagine if we would deploy a proportionate response to the tragic death of the tens of thousand of Americans who die each year because they lack access to health care.

There are a wide number of other studies pointing to a clear relationship between higher mortality and the lack of health insurance. A 2008 study conducted by researchers at the Sunnybrook Health Center at the University of Toronto found that, when compared to those with health insurance, uninsured breast cancer patients had significantly higher levels of disease severity and larger tumors, along with lower rates of operations and breast reconstructions. Another 2008 research report, conducted by researchers at the School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina, found that, in Virginia, the insured are 2 times more likely to report being screened for colorectal cancer versus the uninsured. Controlling for a host of possible factors, such as sex, race, age, injury and trauma, a 2009 study, entitled “Downwardly Mobile: The Accidental Costs of Being Uninsured,” found higher rates of mortality among the uninsured. Another 2009 study, entitled “America's Uninsured Crisis: Consequences for Health and Health Care,” found that uninsured children were 20% to 30% more likely to lack needed dental care, immunizations and medicine. The study also found uninsured children to be 6 to 8 times more likely to have unmet asthma and diabetes needs. At the same time, uninsured adults with at least one chronic condition were 40% to 50% more likely to die prematurely.

In fact, the 45 thousand deaths per year due to lack of health insurance should not seem shocking nor unrealistic. When considering that there are currently 47 million uninsured Americans, paired with a demonstrated relationship between having health insurance and lower mortality, 45 thousand deaths a year is only as absurd as the system that allows it to continue. In their rejection of this figure, do conservative skeptics deny a relationship between health insurance and mortality? If so, maybe we all need to drop our health insurance because we're simply wasting our money on a service that apparently does nothing to prolong life.

Whether the number Americans that pay with their lives due to an inefficient health care system is 20 thousand, 30 thousand, or 45 thousand per year should be irrelevant. Any of these figures is alarmingly high. But, the reaction from health care reform opponents is no more about numbers and mortality than it is about offering up viable solutions to a real health care crisis. The reaction is instead based on the fact that the research question itself violates a diverse array of conservative political interests. Rather than seeing an opportunity for escaping from the dark ages of conservative health care reform rhetoric, the study was willfully used as chance for television and radio hosts, along with Republican politicians, to raise their ratings. Science, knowledge, and everyone else has to pay the price.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tweet Senators Now!

I'm not going to go into a long diatribe about how we need to be contacting Senators, demanding a public option. I'm just too pressed on time. There are plenty of resources out there. Check some of my earlier blog posts.

Below is a list of tweets you can use. Get to work! Tweet Senators today!!!!

Also, check back periodically. I'll be adding new ones.

@SenBenNelson: 11.7% of America's children are uninsured. These youngsters are depending on U! #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09 #hir

@SenBenNelson: When a 23 yr is denied insurance b/c of a pre-existing seizure, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@senatorcollins: In Maine, 1 working age person dies each wk due to lack of hc insurance! What will YOU do about it? #hcr #hc09

@MarkUdall: When med costs put a person with chronic liver condition $60k in debt, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09.

@SenatorBurris: When doctors refuse to examine abdominal pains in what turns out to be cancer, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@barbara_boxer: When a 52 yr old's insurance policy is canceled due to thyroid disorder, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@Kayhagan: When a 52 yr old is $200k in debt due to thyroid disorder med expenses, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@ByronDorgan: When treatment is postponed while ppl fight with their insurance company, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@SenArlenSpecter: When a small business owner is $56k in debt due 2 med expenses, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@JeanneShaheen: When someone with MS has no access to healthcare, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@clairemc: When a family forced into bankruptcy due to child birth med expenses, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@DianneFeinstein: When a 62 yr old diabetic is trying 2 survive w/o insurance, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@MarkWarner: When someone has to travel to India for a heart operation, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@evanbayh: When the highest death rates in Hospitals are youngsters w/o insurance, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@MarkBegich: When only 56.4% of the firms offer health coverage 2 employees, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@mbennet: When the number of uninsured threatens 2 reach 58 million by 2012, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@senatorcantwell: In 8 states+DC, insurance firms can treat domestic violence as pre-existing condition. What are YOU going 2 do abt it? #hcr #hc09

@senatorcantwell: When we, the world's wealthiest country, has 45k/yr die due 2 no insurance, it's time 2 rethink our nation's ethics. #hcr #hc09

@ByronDorgan: When 1/2 of the uninsured diabetics r unaware of their disease, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@SenBillNelson: When 53.2 million ppl went w/o insurance for part of the year, it's time for a #PublicOption! #hcr #hc09

@SenBenNelson: When we, the world's richest country, cannot provide healthcare for all, it's time we rethink our nation's priorities. #hcr #hc09

Sen Begich (@MarkBegich): 22% of uninsured r contacted by collection agency due 2 med bills. #PO NOW! #p2 #healthcare #hcr #hc09

Sen Bennet (@mbennet): In ur state, 1 working age person dies per wk due 2 lack of hc. #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #p2 #healthcare #hcr #hc09

Sen Cantwell (@senatorcantwell): In your state, 390 ppl losing health ins every day! They need a #PUBLICOPTION! #p2 #healthcare #hcr #hc09

Sen Dorgan (@ByronDorgan): 22% of uninsured r contacted by collection agency due 2 med bills. #PO NOW! #p2 #healthcare #hcr #hc09

Sen Feinstein (@DianneFeinstein): In your state, 8 working age ppl die/wk due 2 lack of hc ins. They needed a #PO! #p2 #healthcare #hcr #hc09

Sen Hagan (@Kayhagan): In your state, 510 ppl losing health insurance every day! They need a #PUBLICOPTION! #p2 #healthcare #hcr #hc09

Sen Mcaskill (@clairemc): In your state, 210 ppl losing health insurance every day! They need a #PUBLICOPTION! #p2 #healthcare #hcr #hc09

Sen Shaheen (@JeanneShaheen): 11.7% of America's children r uninsured. These youngsters are depending on 4 #publicoption! #hcr #hc09 #p2

Sen Specter (@SenArlenSpecter): In PA, 510 ppl r losing health insurance every day! They need a #PUBLICOPTION! #p2 #healthcare #hcr #hc09

Sen Udall (@MarkUdall): In ur state, 1 working age person dies each wk due to lack of hc insurance. #PO NOW! #p2 #healthcare #hcr #hc09

Sen Dorgan (@ByronDorgan): In US, life expectancy gap btwn wealthiest & poorest=4.5 yrs. #PO NOW! #p2 #healthcare #hcr #hc09

Sen Hagan (@Kayhagan): Your state had a 22% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #p2 #healthcare #hcr #hc09

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Health Care Tweets For All

Greetings fellow Progressives;

I must say that I have grown exceedingly fatigued by bots! Not real bots per se, but by the almost ‘bot’ like qualities of tcoters tweeting the same thing over and over and over again. How many times can one tweet the phrases “SAY NO TO HEALTH CARE REFORM, SAY NO TO SOCIALISM”, or GOV TAKEOVER OF HEALTH CARE IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL” before one is in essence a bot?

As @everydaywitch suggested to me, Tcoters seem in need of a Glenn Beck “software” update. Version 1.0 is getting old and has been repetitious for quite some time now. However, repetition is also a powerful venue for mobilizing social action and political support. Think about the times you many have witnessed or participated in a street demonstration. Chants and slogans are the norms of the event and crucial for rallying energy. In short, a few notable and salient phrases can make a difference for a political cause.

Encouraged by fellow progs, most notably @purtheil, @whitk227, and Me1956, over the past few months, I've organized and tweeted a lot of health care data. Since encouragement, research, and discourse is a social process I think the ethnical thing to do is to share these tweets with the twitter community. Below is a list of some of the more interesting tweets.

So, tweet them at your pleasure. Yes, tweeting them over and over may be a bit "bot like". But, the difference between difference between tcoter tweets and and tweeting these is that the former are simply slogans devoid of any solid empirical grounding. As a social scientist, I take am bound to the principles of providing and reporting quality data with some level of methodological transparency. So, the data in these tweets are from reputable sources with demonstrably solid methodologies. Tweet them, spread the word, and maybe collect a few new followers along the way.

Also, don't worry about crediting me. Just tweet them!



CEO Compensation

WHERE DOES HC $ GO? The CEO of Auxilium #Pharma made 54% more in 2008 than 2007. #hcr #tcot #p2 #hc09

WHERE DOES HC $ GO? The CEO of ONYX #Pharma made 192% more in 2008 than 2007. #hcr #tcot #p2 #hc09

WHERE DOES HC $ GO? The CEO of OSI #Pharma made 16% more in 2008 than 2007. #hcr #tcot #p2 #hc09

WHERE DOES YOUR INSURANCE MONEY GO? (2008): R Williams (Aetna) $24.3m. #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

WHERE DOES YOUR INSURANCE MONEY GO? (2008): H E Hanway (CIGNA) $12.3m. #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

WHERE DOES YOUR INSURANCE MONEY GO? (2008): A. Braly (WellPoint) $9.8m. #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

WHERE DOES YOUR INSURANCE MONEY GO? (2008): D Wolf (Coventry) $9m. #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

WHERE DOES YOUR INSURANCE MONEY GO? (2008): M Neidorff (Centene) $8.8m. #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

WHERE DOES YOUR INSURANCE MONEY GO? (2008): J Carlson (Amerigroup) $5.3m. #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

WHERE DOES YOUR INSURANCE MONEY GO? (2008): M Neidorff (Centene) $8.8m. #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

WHERE DOES YOUR INSURANCE MONEY GO? (2008): M McCallister (Humana) $4.8m. #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

WHERE DOES YOUR INSURANCE MONEY GO? (2008): J Gellert (Health Net) $4.4m. #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): Miles White (Abbott) $33.4M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): F Hassan (S & Plough) $30.1M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): B Weldon (J & Johnson) $25.1M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): Bob Essner (Wyeth) $24.1M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): R Parkinson (Baxter) $17.6M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): D Vasella (Novartis) $15.5M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): R Clark (Merck) $14.5M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): F Balino (Cephalon) $13.5M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): S Taurel (Eli Lilly) $13M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): J Kindler (Pfizer) $12.6M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): J Cornelius (Bristol-M) $11.3M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): Franz Humer (Roche) $8.5M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): J-P Garnier (GlaxoSK) $6M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): W Wenning (Bayer) $4.8M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

#Pharma Compensation as reported on Proxy (2007): D Brennan (AstraZen) $4.3M #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

The average health-industry CEO is receiving an annual salary of over $14 million. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #hcr #p2

Number of People Losing Health Insurance

#CALIFORNIA: 2,190 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#CALIFORNIA: 13% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#TENNESSEE: 400 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#TENNESSEE: 17% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#OHIO: 390 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#OHIO: 14% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#PENNSYLVANIA: 510 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#PENNSYLVANIA: 17% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#NEWYORK: 1,190 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#NEWYORK: 10% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

NEW JERSEY: 650 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

NEW JERSEY: 11% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

WASHINGTON: 390 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

WASHINGTON: 18% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

SOUTH CAROLINA: 340 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

SOUTH CAROLINA: 17% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

NORTH CAROLINA: 510 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

NORTH CAROLINA: 22% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

MICHIGAN: 620 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

MICHIGAN: 20% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#FLORIDA: 850 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#FLORIDA: 15% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#GEORGIA: 430 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#GEORGIA: 18% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#ILLINOIS: 270 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#ILLINOIS: 12% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#INDIANA: 480 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#INDIANA: 22% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#MARYLAND: 230 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#MARYLAND: 11% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#MISSOURI: 210 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#MISSOURI: 16% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#NEVADA: 220 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

#NEVADA: 21% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

OREGON: 270 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

OREGON: 18% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

VIRGINIA: 330 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

VIRGINIA: 16% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

WISCONSON: 230 ppl losing health insurance every day! #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

WISCONSON: 15% increase in number of uninsured since 2007. #hcr #hc09 #tcot #publicoption #p2

Health Care as percentage of GDP

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v UK=8.2%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v SWEDEN=9.2%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v SPAIN=8.4%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v PORTUGAL=10.2%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v NORWAY=8.7%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v NETHERLANDS=9.4%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v ITALY=9.0%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v IRELAND=7.5%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v GERMANY=10.6%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v FINLAND=8.2%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v DENMARK=10.8%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v CANADA=10.0%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v BELGIUM=9.9%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v AUSTRIA=10.2%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: % of GDP dedicated 2 health: US=15.3% v AUSTRALIA=8.7%-Yet we have 47 million w/o healthcare #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

Health Care Per capita spending

WHO: Per capita health spending: AUSTRIA $3,545 v. US $6,714: Hope the insurance industry enjoys their windfall #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO: Per capita health spending: CANADA $3,672 v. US $6,714: Doesn't this piss you off? #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO: Per capita health spending: DENMARK $3,349 v. US $6,714: The rich get richer & everyone else gets stuck with the bill #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO: Per capita health spending: FINLAND $2,472 v. US $6,714: This really has to piss you off #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO: Per capita health spending: GERMANY $3,328 v. US $6,714: Justice in the interest of the insurance execs #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO: Per capita health spending: ITALY $2,623 v. US $6,714: This really pisses me off #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO: Per capita health spending: NETHERLANDS $3,382 v. US $6,714: It's not the pot that makes it cheaper #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO: Per capita health spending: NORWAY $4,521 v. US $6,714: Insurance execs not needed here #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO: Per capita health spending: PORTUGAL $2,080 v. US $6,714: Do you like getting ripped off? #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO: Per capita health spending: SPAIN $2,388 v. US $6,714: Hope the insurance execs enjoy their boats #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO: Per capita health spending: SWEDEN $3,119 v. US $6,714: Of, by, and for the….?? #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO: Per capita health spending: UK $2,784 v. US $6,714: Shouldn't Americans enjoy the same as others? #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

Mortality rates

WHO 2009: Women deaths/100,000 births: Sweden= 3 v US=11. And we pay more! What a rip off! #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: Women deaths/100,000 births: Denmark= 3 v US=11. And we pay more! What a rip off! #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: Women deaths/100,000 births: Germany= 4 v US=11. And we pay more! What a rip off! #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: Women deaths/100,000 births: Netherlands= 6 v US=11. And we pay more! What a rip off! #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: Women deaths/100,000 births: Canada= 7 v US=11. And we pay more! What a rip off! #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: Women deaths/100,000 births: Austria= 4 v US=11. And we pay more! What a rip off! #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: Women deaths/100,000 births: Italy= 3 v US=11. And we pay more! What a rip off! #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: Women deaths/100,000 births: France= 8 v US=11. And we pay more! What a rip off! #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: Women deaths/100,000 births: UK= 8 v US=11. And we pay more! What a rip off! #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: Women deaths/100,000 births: Finland=7 v US=11. And we pay more! What a rip off! #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: Women deaths/100,000 births: Spain=4 v US=11. And we pay more! What a rip off! #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

WHO 2009: Women deaths/100,000 births: Norway=7 v US=11. And we pay more! What a rip off! #hcr #tcot #hc09 #p2

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-AUSTRIA: 4. Somehow, private enterprise hc is better? #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-GREECE: 4. The tyranny of saving lives. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-ITALY: 4. Maybe the US doesn't value life after all. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-PORTUGAL: 4. Do Americans deserve worse? #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-SPAIN: 4. US forgets that life & liberty are connected. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-AUSTRALIA: 5. Yet, US pays more 4 healthcare. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-IRELAND: 5. Maybe singlepayer is not so bad after all. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-UK: 5. Is there justice in infant's dying? #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-Canada: 5. Yes, that says Canada. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-Cuba: 5. Again, yes that says Cuba. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-Netherlands: 5. Hint-its not from smoking lots of pot. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-SWEDEN: 3. The tyranny of saving lives. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-NORWAY: 3. Looks like singlepayer is not so bad. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-LUXEM: 3. Yet, US pays more 4 healthcare. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-FINLAND: 3. Yet, US pays more 4 healthcare. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-BELGIUM: 4. Just plain fact, not pseudoscience. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-DENMARK: 4. The injustic of better healthcare. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-FRANCE: 4. At least Americans are free to die young. #hcr #tcot

UNICEF: Infant Mortality: No Natnal healthcare-US: 7 v pblic h-care-GERMANY: 4. Getting ripped off is great! #hcr #tcot

Deaths Due to No Insurance

"Uninsured ppl btwn 25 and 64 r 25% more likely to die than same age insured" #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09

Texas btwn 2000-2006: 7 uninsured ppl per day btwn 25-64 died prematurely #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09

Uninsured women die of uterine cancer. Lack of insurance precludes Pap smear! #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09

Texas 2000-2006: 17,000 ppl btwn 25-64 died due 2 no access to health insurance. #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09

19 working age Georgians die each wk due to lack of hc insurance #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09

In 2006, as many Americans were killed from lack of health insurance as from homicide #publicoption #hcr

Georgia 2000-2006: 6,000 ppl btwn 25-64 died due 2 no access to health insurance. #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09

Maine: 1 working age person dies each wk due to lack of hc insurance #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09

Maine 2000-2006: 500 ppl btwn 25-64 died due 2 no access to health insurance. #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09

NY 2000-2006: 9,900 ppl btwn 25-64 died due 2 no access to health insurance. #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09

NY: 25 working age person dies each wk due to lack of hc insurance #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09 #handsoff

PA 2000-2006: 4,800 ppl btwn 25-64 died due 2 no access to health insurance. #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09

PA: 2 working age ppl die each wk due to lack of hc insurance #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09

Alabama 2000-2006: 3,400 ppl btwn 25-64 died due 2 no access to health insurance. #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09

Alabama: 12 working age person dies each wk due to lack of hc insurance #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09

California: 8 working age ppl die each wk due to lack of hc insurance #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09 #handsoff

California 2000-2006: 19,900 ppl btwn 25-64 died due 2 no access to h insurance. #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09

Colorado: 1 working age person dies each wk due to lack of hc insurance #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09 #handsoff

Colorado 2000-06: 2,100 ppl btwn 25-64 died due 2 no access 2 health insurance. #ocra #hcr #hc09

Arizona: 2 working age ppl die each wk due to lack of hc insurance #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09 #handsoff

Arizona 2000-06: 3,500 ppl btwn 25-64 died due 2 no access 2 health insurance. #hcr #hc09 #ocra

Mississippi: 1 working age person dies each wk due to lack of hc insurance #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09 #handsoff

Mississippi 2000-06: 2,6000 ppl btwn 25-64 died due 2 no access 2 health ins. #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09 #ocra

TENN: 13 working age ppl die each wk due to lack of hc insurance #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09 #handsoff

TENN 2000-2006: 3,600 ppl btwn 25-64 died due 2 no access to health insurance. #PUBLICOPTION NOW! #hcr #hc09 #ocra

MISSOURI: 10 working age ppl die each wk due 2 lack of hc insurance #hcr #hc09 #ocra #p2

MISSOURI: 2000-2006: 2,800 ppl btwn 25-64 died due 2 no access to health insurance. #p2 #hcr #hc09 #ocra

OKLAHOMA: 9 working age ppl die each wk due 2 lack of hc insurance #hcr #hc09 #ocra #p2

OKLAHOMA: 2000-2006: 3,000 ppl btwn 25-64 died due 2 no access to health insurance. #p2 #hcr #hc09 #ocra

OHIO: 2 working age ppl die each wk due 2 lack of hc insurance #hcr #hc09 #ocra #p2

OHIO: 2000-2006: 5,100 ppl btwn 25-64 died due 2 no access to health insurance. #p2 #hcr #hc09 #ocra

Comparative data on Quality

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many did not get prescription filled? US=39% v CANADA=16%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many did not get prescription filled? US=39% v FRANCE=12%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many did not get prescription filled? US=39% v GERMANY=13%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many did not get prescription filled? US=39% v N-LANDS=3%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many did not get prescription filled? US=39% v UK=8%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many did not see doctor for condition? US=34% v CANADA=16%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many did not see doctor for condition? US=34% v FRANCE=12%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many did not see doctor for condition? US=34% v GERMANY=13%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many did not see doctor for condition? US=34% v N-LANDS=3%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many did not see doctor for condition? US=34% v UK=8%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many skipped recommended treatment? US=36% v CANADA=10%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many skipped recommended treatment? US=36% v FRANCE=11%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many skipped recommended treatment? US=36% v GERMANY=14%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many skipped recommended treatment? US=36% v N-LANDS=3%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How many skipped recommended treatment? US=36% v UK=6%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: Did not get needed dental care? US=47% v CANADA=29%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: Did not get needed dental care? US=47% v FRANCE=18%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: Did not get needed dental care? US=47% v GERMANY=13%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: Did not get needed dental care? US=47% v NETHERLANDS=7%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: Did not get needed dental care? US=47% v UK=18%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Are ppl really unhappy with Universal HC? Gallup 2009: Pub confidence in #healthcare sys: US=56% v NORWAY=68% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl really unhappy with Universal HC? Gallup 2009: Pubconfidence in #healthcare sys: US=56% v UK=73% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl really unhappy with Universal HC? Gallup 2009: Pub confidence in #healthcare sys: US=56% v N-LANDS=77% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl really unhappy with Universal HC? Gallup 2009: Pub confidence in #healthcare sys: US=56% v AUSTRIA=84% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl really unhappy with Universal HC? Gallup 2009: Pub confidence in #healthcare sys: US=56% v DENMARK=77% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl really unhappy with Universal HC? Gallup 2009: Pub confidence in #healthcare sys: US=56% v BELGIUM=88% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl really unhappy with Universal HC? Gallup 2009: Pub confidence in #healthcare sys: US=56% v FRANCE=83% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl really unhappy with Universal HC? Gallup 2009: Pub confidence in #healthcare sys: US=56% v SWEDEN=79% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl really unhappy with Universal HC? Gallup 2009: Pub confidence in #healthcare sys: US=56% v CANADA=73% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl really unhappy with Universal HC? Gallup 2009: Pub confidence in #healthcare sys: US=56% v FINLAND=85% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl ready to overthrow universal HC? Commonwealth F 2008: #healthcare sys many probs: US=30% v AUSTRIA=19% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl ready to overthrow universal HC? Commonwealth F 2008: #healthcare sys many probs: US=30% v CANADA=19% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl ready to overthrow universal HC? Commonwealth F 2008: #healthcare sys many probs: US=30% v FRANCE=22% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl ready to overthrow universal HC? Commonwealth F 2008: #healthcare sys many probs: US=30% v N-LANDS=7% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl ready to overthrow universal HC? Commonwealth F 2008: #healthcare sys many probs: US=30% v UK=12% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl ready to overthrow universal HC? Harris 2008: #healthcare sys nds completely changed: US=33% v GERMANY=17% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl ready to overthrow universal HC? Harris 2008: #healthcare sys nds completely changed: US=33% v SPAIN=12% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl ready to overthrow universal HC? Harris 2008: #healthcare sys nds completely changed: US=33% v N-LANDS=9% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl ready to overthrow universal HC? Harris 2008: #healthcare sys nds completely changed: US=33% v CANADA=12% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl ready to overthrow universal HC? Harris 2008: #healthcare sys nds completely changed: US=33% v UK=15% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Are ppl ready to overthrow universal HC? Harris 2008: #healthcare sys nds completely changed: US=33% v FRANCE=15% #hcr #hc09 #tcot #p2

Waiting Lines? WTF? Commomwealth Fnd 2008: How many ppl able 2 get same day med attention: USA=25% v AUSTRIA=37%. #hcr #tcot #p2 #hc09

Waiting Lines? WTF? Commomwealth Fnd 2008: How many ppl able 2 get same day med attention: USA=25% v N-LANDS=51%. #hcr #tcot #p2 #hc09

Waiting Lines? WTF? Commomwealth Fnd 2008: How many ppl able 2 get same day med attention: USA=25% v FRANCE=35%. #hcr #tcot #p2 #hc09

Waiting Lines? WTF? Commomwealth Fnd 2008: How many ppl able 2 get same day med attention: USA=25% v AUSTRIA=43%. #hcr #tcot #p2 #hc09

Waiting Lines? WTF? Commomwealth Fnd 2008: How many ppl able 2 get same day med attention: USA=25% v UK=45%. #hcr #tcot #p2 #hc09

Waiting Lines? WTF? Commomwealth Fnd 2008: How many ppl able 2 get same day med attention: USA=25% v AUSTRIA=37%. #hcr #tcot #p2 #hc09

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How mny found hard getting med care during weekend (not ER)? US=33% v CANADA=26%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How mny found hard getting med care during weekend (not ER)? US=33% v FRANCE=18%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How mny found hard getting med care during weekend (not ER)? US=33% v GERMANY=9%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How mny found hard getting med care during weekend (not ER)? US=33% v N-LANDS=6%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How mny found hard getting med care during weekend (not ER)? US=33% v UK=14%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Commonwealth Fund 2008: How mny found hard getting med care during weekend (not ER)? US=33% v UK=14%. #tcot #hcr #hc09 #p2 #topprog

Waiting Lines? WTF? Commomwealth Fnd 2008: How many ppl wait 2 wks 4 med attention: USA=19% v AUSTRIA=13%. #hcr #tcot #p2 #hc09

Waiting Lines? WTF? Commomwealth Fnd 2008: How many ppl wait 2 wks 4 med attention: USA=19% v FRANCE=12%. #hcr #tcot #p2 #hc09

Waiting Lines? WTF? Commomwealth Fnd 2008: How many ppl wait 2 wks 4 med attention: USA=19% v N-LANDS=1%. #hcr #tcot #p2 #hc09

Waiting Lines? WTF? Commomwealth Fnd 2008: How many ppl wait 2 wks 4 med attention: USA=19% v UK=9%. #hcr #tcot #p2 #hc09

Waiting Lines? WTF? Commomwealth Fnd 2008: How many ppl wait 2 wks 4 med attention: USA=19% v AUSTRIA=13%. #hcr #tcot #p2 #hc09