Thursday, October 22, 2009

Want a Middle Class? Well then Support Workers Rights!

Strong unions are a fundamental basis for a vibrant middle-class. Why? Well, the answer is simple! Collective bargaining ensures that workers are paid respectable wages and benefits, which lifts incomes for the economy’s overall workforce. Therefore, it should be no surprise that the shrinking of the often touted middle class in the U.S. also coincides with a decline in union membership. If the public is truly concerned about strengthening our country’s middle class, as so many people say they are, the most beneficial road to take is one that strengthens America’s collective bargaining potential.

I am an American currently living in Norway, where unions are well organized, well funded, and widely participated in. Norway ranks as one of the most economically developed and democratic countries on the planet. Based on income figures alone, the size of the middle-class here is about 85%, again among the world’s largest middle-class countries.

America is undoubtedly one of the world’s most robust democracies and vibrant economies. We have deep rooted traditions of civil liberties, perhaps the deepest in the world. Like Norway, we have a hard working labor force and an entrepreneurial spirit that is the basis of economic growth. Despite the common suggestion that “so many around the world hate us,” quite the opposite is true. For so many people struggling to survive in poorer countries, America, with our democracy and economy, is indeed a symbol of hope and aspiration and one that is something to be proud of.

But pride in our country only gets us so far. Vision, commitment, and good choices are also essential to the mix. And, while we may have vision and commitment, we have not made some of the best policy choices, specifically those that will build a national economy with a goal of growing a robust middle-class.

While we should have been ensuring that the overall number of low income families declines while middle class families expand, what has instead happened is America’s middle class families increasingly find themselves with smaller and smaller incomes. Data from the Department of Labor clearly shows that income inequality in America has grown steadily since the 1970s. Today, the scale of inequality between the poorest and wealthiest citizens approaches the levels of Mexico and Argentina, while far surpassing those countries where workers have more control over their economic station, such as Germany, France, and Sweden. Census Bureau data again shows that over these same decades, the incomes gains of the top 20 percent have far outpaced income gains of the remaining 80 percent. Since 1980, the poorest 20 percent of America’s citizens have seen incomes rise 12 percent. The middle income earners have seen incomes rise 16 percent. Yet, the wealthiest 5 percent have seen their incomes rise some 31 percent. Correspondingly, the share of national income has grown considerably among the top 20 percent, while shares for the remaining 80 percent have decline.

The numbers are even more striking when looking at the growth in income of the top 0.1 percent. As a New York Times column cited in 2005, no other income group has grown more in the past few decades than this small, but highly privileged group. In 1980, their average income was $1.2 million, but grew to $3 million by 2002. As a group of about 145,000 people, their share of the national income is a whopping 7.4 percent.

Considering the hope that American offers to so many of its citizens and citizens of other countries, wealth gaps such as these generally, and the declining size of America’s middle-class specifically, is a certain thorn in that hope. We need to make the nation’s promises a reality! Supporting the Employee Free Choice Act would be a good beginning toward reclaiming a robust middle-class.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tweet for Climate Change Action

There is no other issue today that is more important than climate change. Sure, that’s a bold statement. But considering the fact that a changing climate will effect every living creature on this planet, and threaten the lives of millions of people (largely people too poor to contribute to green house gas emissions), I cannot easily see how any other issue could be more important to us today.

Just as this blog has begged for action on health care reform in the U.S., I now beg all of you to take some time to contribute to climate change action. The world is ready. Are we?

Aside from the fact that climate change action has been put off for far too long, there are two specific climate change events demanding our urgent attention. First, the Copenhagen climate change summit begins in early December and Americans need to ensure that Obama attends that summit with the credibility to make deals. That means that Congressional resolutions on climate change needs to be passed BEFORE Copenhagen. Bill Becker’s recent article entitled “Making Sure Uncle Sam is Dress for Copenhagen” is a must read for specifics. Secondly, there is currently a bill in the Senate (Kerry-Boxer bill) that is attempting grapple with climate change. The Democratic Underground has a nice summary of the proposed bill. As usual, powerful vested interests and fringe skeptics are threatening the passage of meaningful action.

So, you can start by signing some petitions and then tweet Senators. Demand strong action on climate change. The tools you need to do this are listed below. PLEASE, HELP HUMANITY BY TWEETING SENATORS.


Sign the "Hopenhagen" Petition!

Tell U.S. Senator John Kerry to protect the Environmental Protection Agency

Sign Sierra Club petition against use of coal.




If you want to save time, please feel free to copy and paste these tweets. As recommended by the Daily Kos, these are some of the more important Senators to tweet.

Sen Mcaskill (@clairemc): 2day, history is made! World unites & demands action on #climatechange. How will history judge YOU? #350ppm

Sen Lincoln (@blanchlincoln): Are You Hearing Us Today? Don't let the world down! #tcktcktck #p2 #cop15 #350ppm

Sen Udall (@MarkUdall): Who will YOU side with, humanity or coal, oil, and gas? #tcktcktck ##climatechange #350ppm

Sen Bennet (@mbennet): >>>350, the world unites! Are YOU with us? #tcktcktck #p2 #350ppm

Sen Feingold (@russfeingold): Today it's clear! The world WANTS #climatechange action. Will YOU do the right thing? #tcktcktck #350ppm

Sen Begich (@MarkBegich): 2day, history is made! World unites & demands action on #climatechange. How will history judge YOU? #350ppm

Sen Warner (@MarkWarner): Who will YOU side with, humanity or coal, oil, and gas? #tcktcktck ##climatechange #350ppm

Sen Cantwell (@senatorcantwell): Are You Hearing Us Today? Don't let the world down! #tcktcktck #p2 #cop15 #350ppm

Sen Dorgan (@ByronDorgan): >>>350, the world unites! Are YOU with us? #tcktcktck #p2 #350ppm

Sen Feinstein (@DianneFeinstein): Today it's clear! The world WANTS #climatechange action. Will YOU do the right thing? #tcktcktck #350ppm

Sen Hagan (@Kayhagan): Be a postive part of history! Hear our voices & take action on #climatechange! #tcktcktck #350ppm

Sen Lincoln (@blanchlincoln): US leadership is the "lynchpin" for #climatechange action! Don't let the world down! #tcktcktck #p2 #cop15

Sen Lincoln (@blanchlincoln): GHG emissions hve ↑ at close 2 most extreme IPCC scenarios! #CLIMATECHANGE action NOW! #tcktcktck #p2

Sen Bennet (@mbennet): As a country, r we going 2 side w coal, oil & gas or the rest of humanity? #CLIMATECHANGE action NOW! #tcktcktck #p2

Sen Bennet (@mbennet): Africa-by 2020, 75-250m ppl will b exposed 2 increased water stress due 2 #climatechange. #tcktcktck #p2

Sen Feingold (@russfeingold): The world is ready for #climatechange action. What are WE waiting for? #cop15 #tcktcktck #p2

Sen Feingold (@russfeingold): Summer 2009, ocean surface temps=62.5f, HIGHEST ON RECORD (NOAA). #climatechange. #tcktcktck #p2

Sen Warner (@MarkWarner): The world is ready for #climatechange action. The question is are You? #tcktcktck #cop15 #p2

Sen Warner (@MarkWarner): #ClimateChange forecast for S #Asia: by 2050, WHEAT production will ↓to 50% of 2000 level. #tcktcktck #cop15 #p2

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tweet On HR 3962

Blue Dogs are the swing voters of Congress. They hold the key to public option. Here are some tweets you can use (will post more later). Copy and paste them. Also, Progressive Blue Prints (PBP) has additional information on Blue Dogs, as does my earlier blog post entitled "The Fight for Public Option Continues". Here, you will find an e-mail template that you can use to e-mail the Blue Dogs listed on PBP. GET TO IT!

Rep Joe Baca (@BacaCA43): Please! We did NOT vote 4 insurance execs! We voted 4 you! HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep John Barrow (@repjohnbarrow): Please! We did NOT vote 4 insurance execs! We voted 4 you! HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Boswell (@LeonardBoswell), 11.7% of America's children r uninsured. These youngsters are depending on u 4 HR 3962! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Joe Baca (@BacaCA43): 11.7% of America's children r uninsured. These youngsters are depending on u 4 HR 3962! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Ellsworth (@bradellsworth): Don't turn America's 15% w/o insurance over 2 ineffective co-ops. HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Ellsworth (@bradellsworth): 11.7% of America's children r uninsured. These youngsters are depending on HR 3962! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep John Barrow (@repjohnbarrow): Never mind tcoter threats/outcries. They're marginal 2 #hcr anyway. HR 3962 NOW! #tweetcongress

Rep Giffords (@ggiffords): Insurance execs had their vote in Nov. Why are they getting another vote now? HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Gordon (@RepBartGordon): Please! We did NOT vote 4 insurance execs! We voted 4 you! HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Griffith (@RepGriffith): Please! We voted 4 you, not AHIP! HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Harman (@RepJaneHarman): 11.7% of America's children r uninsured. These youngsters are depending on u 4 HR 3962! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep McIntyre @MikeMcIntyreNC) American ppl deserve better! Co-opts & triggers no solution. HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Matheson (@RepJimMatheson) American ppl deserve better! Co-opts & triggers no solution. HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Melancon (@melancon2010), Current hc rationing →45,000 die/yr due 2 lack of insurance. HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Michaud (@RepMikeMichaud), In Maine, 1 working age person dies per wk due 2 lack of hc. HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Minnick (@WaltMinnick), American ppl deserve better! Co-opts & triggers no solution. HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Mitchell (@HarryEMitchell), In your state, 2 working age ppl die per wk due 2 lack of hc. HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Nye (@GlennNye), $979=Mnthly premium Aetna charges 4 health insurance 4 Married couple! HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Ross (@RepMikeRoss), We r tired of unaccountable insurance companies! HR 3962 will keep them in check. #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Taylor (@GeneTaylorNews), In ur state, 1 working age person dies per wk due 2 lack of hc. HR 3962 NOW! #tweetcongress #hcr

Rep Joe Baca (@BacaCA43): In your state, 2,190 ppl every day lose their health insurance! HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Ellsworth (@bradellsworth): In your state, 480 ppl every day lose their health insurance! They NEED HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep John Barrow (@repjohnbarrow): In your state, 430 ppl every day lose their health insurance! They NEED HR 3962 NOW! #tweetcongress #hcr

Rep Giffords (@ggiffords): In your state, 2 working age ppl die/wk due 2 lack of hc insurance! HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Gordon (@RepBartGordon): In your state, 13 working age ppl die each wk due to lack of hc insurance! HR 3962 NOW! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Gordon (@RepBartGordon): In ur state-2000-2006: 3,600 ppl btwn 25-64 died due to no hc ins! They NEEDED HR 3962! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Harman (@RepJaneHarman):In ur state, 8 working age ppl die each wk due 2 no hc insurance! HR 3962 NOW!! #hcr #tweetcongress

Rep Harman (@RepJaneHarman): In your state, 2,190 ppl every day lose their health insurance! They NEED HR 3962!! #hcr #tweetcongress

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Fight for Public Option Continues

Greetings fellow Progs. The time has come for an all out offensive on public option. Our future is riding on this! Here is what WE NEED TO DO!


Progressive Blue Prints (PBP) has an easy to use Blue Dog e-mail list. Here's what you do. If you do not want to write your own email, I provided two templates that you can copy and paste into the email forms. So, open the PBP link in a new window, follow the email instructions, and get to work!

SENATE E-MAIL TEMPLATE: Be sure to fill in appropriate names

Dear Honorable [FULL NAME], United States Senate;

Americans like me appreciate and admire your service to our country. We especially appreciate the values and ethics you share with, as demonstrated by your vigorous efforts to make America’s promise of a better life a reality for all.

Over the coming weeks, you, Honorable [FULL NAME], will be presented with the opportunity to demonstrate your continued commitment to America’s universal promise. This opportunity comes with the chance to support health care reform with a public option. A health care reform bill without a public option is, in reality, a preservation of a status quo which is risking our country’s financial future and failing to provide adequate health care for millions of Americans. Indeed, the public option is absolutely vital for any reasonable attempt to “bend the health care cost curve” over the decades to come, and absolutely crucial for providing health care for the 47 million people currently without health insurance.

I appeal to the values and ethics we both share by asking you, Honorable [FULL NAME], to echo the voices of those that have been overlooked by America’s promise. Speak out by insisting that the public option is not simply a legislative option, but is instead a requisite for bettering the lives all Americans, present and future. Your support will not go unnoticed.


HOUSE E-MAIL TEMPLATE: Be sure to fill in appropriate names

Dear Honorable [FULL NAME], United States House of Representatives;

Americans like me appreciate and admire your service to our country. We especially appreciate the values and ethics you share with, as demonstrated by your vigorous efforts to make America’s promise of a better life a reality for all.

Over the coming weeks, you, Honorable [FULL NAME], will be presented with the opportunity to demonstrate your continued commitment to America’s universal promise. This opportunity comes with the chance to support health care reform with a public option. A health care reform bill without a public option is, in reality, a preservation of a status quo which is risking our country’s financial future and failing to provide adequate health care for millions of Americans. Indeed, the public option is absolutely vital for any reasonable attempt to “bend the health care cost curve” over the decades to come, and absolutely crucial for providing health care for the 47 million people currently without health insurance.

I appeal to the values and ethics we both share by asking you, Honorable [FULL NAME], to echo the voices of those that have been overlooked by America’s promise. Speak out by insisting that the public option is not simply a legislative option, but is instead a requisite for bettering the lives all Americans, present and future. Your support will not go unnoticed.



Again, PBP provides great instructions on how to contact Blue Dogs. Also, remember to contact:

Whitehouse: Call at 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414. Make it clear that Obama’s liberal support depends on his advocacy for public option. NO TRIGGERS, NO CO-OPS!

Senator Reid: Call: 202-224-3542. Tell him NO TRIGGERS, NO CO-OPS!


Follow PBP instructions. Here are a few ideas.

@whitehouse -Obama, U need 2 pressure those not supporting the #publicoption by threatening to campaign against their re-election. #hcr.

@whitehouse -Time 2 take leadership and pass REAL #hcr! #PUBLICOPTION NOW! It's what u were elected 2 do!

@Whitehouse. American ppl deserve better! Co-opts & triggers no solution. #hcr #publicoption #po #p2 #healthcare #hc09

@Whitehouse. Take political risks 4 progress. Stand with us! #Publicoption, YES WE CAN! #hcr #hc09 #p2