Monday, October 12, 2009

The Fight for Public Option Continues

Greetings fellow Progs. The time has come for an all out offensive on public option. Our future is riding on this! Here is what WE NEED TO DO!


Progressive Blue Prints (PBP) has an easy to use Blue Dog e-mail list. Here's what you do. If you do not want to write your own email, I provided two templates that you can copy and paste into the email forms. So, open the PBP link in a new window, follow the email instructions, and get to work!

SENATE E-MAIL TEMPLATE: Be sure to fill in appropriate names

Dear Honorable [FULL NAME], United States Senate;

Americans like me appreciate and admire your service to our country. We especially appreciate the values and ethics you share with, as demonstrated by your vigorous efforts to make America’s promise of a better life a reality for all.

Over the coming weeks, you, Honorable [FULL NAME], will be presented with the opportunity to demonstrate your continued commitment to America’s universal promise. This opportunity comes with the chance to support health care reform with a public option. A health care reform bill without a public option is, in reality, a preservation of a status quo which is risking our country’s financial future and failing to provide adequate health care for millions of Americans. Indeed, the public option is absolutely vital for any reasonable attempt to “bend the health care cost curve” over the decades to come, and absolutely crucial for providing health care for the 47 million people currently without health insurance.

I appeal to the values and ethics we both share by asking you, Honorable [FULL NAME], to echo the voices of those that have been overlooked by America’s promise. Speak out by insisting that the public option is not simply a legislative option, but is instead a requisite for bettering the lives all Americans, present and future. Your support will not go unnoticed.


HOUSE E-MAIL TEMPLATE: Be sure to fill in appropriate names

Dear Honorable [FULL NAME], United States House of Representatives;

Americans like me appreciate and admire your service to our country. We especially appreciate the values and ethics you share with, as demonstrated by your vigorous efforts to make America’s promise of a better life a reality for all.

Over the coming weeks, you, Honorable [FULL NAME], will be presented with the opportunity to demonstrate your continued commitment to America’s universal promise. This opportunity comes with the chance to support health care reform with a public option. A health care reform bill without a public option is, in reality, a preservation of a status quo which is risking our country’s financial future and failing to provide adequate health care for millions of Americans. Indeed, the public option is absolutely vital for any reasonable attempt to “bend the health care cost curve” over the decades to come, and absolutely crucial for providing health care for the 47 million people currently without health insurance.

I appeal to the values and ethics we both share by asking you, Honorable [FULL NAME], to echo the voices of those that have been overlooked by America’s promise. Speak out by insisting that the public option is not simply a legislative option, but is instead a requisite for bettering the lives all Americans, present and future. Your support will not go unnoticed.



Again, PBP provides great instructions on how to contact Blue Dogs. Also, remember to contact:

Whitehouse: Call at 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414. Make it clear that Obama’s liberal support depends on his advocacy for public option. NO TRIGGERS, NO CO-OPS!

Senator Reid: Call: 202-224-3542. Tell him NO TRIGGERS, NO CO-OPS!


Follow PBP instructions. Here are a few ideas.

@whitehouse -Obama, U need 2 pressure those not supporting the #publicoption by threatening to campaign against their re-election. #hcr.

@whitehouse -Time 2 take leadership and pass REAL #hcr! #PUBLICOPTION NOW! It's what u were elected 2 do!

@Whitehouse. American ppl deserve better! Co-opts & triggers no solution. #hcr #publicoption #po #p2 #healthcare #hc09

@Whitehouse. Take political risks 4 progress. Stand with us! #Publicoption, YES WE CAN! #hcr #hc09 #p2


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