Thursday, October 1, 2009

Biggest Chance for Public Option Yet to Come

So, the Senate Finance Committee has failed us. Now what? Well, the most opportune moment for the Senate to adopt a public option provision actually comes during the merger of the CARE bill (which includes the public option) and the Baucus Bill (which does not). D-Day has an insightful outline of the process to come.

So, what can WE do? According to D-Day, the most important participants in the merger are Senators Harry Reid, Max Baucus, Tom Harkin, and the Whitehouse. We know Baucus’s position, and we can be certain that Harkin will push for public option. That leaves Reid and the Whitehouse, each of which appears to be waving the white flag of defeat.

Target Reid and the Whitehouse!!!


Call at 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414. Make it clear that Obama’s liberal support depends on his advocacy for public option.

Tweet @whitehouse.
  • Example: @whitehouse -Obama, U need 2 pressure those not supporting the #publicoption by threatening to campaign against their re-election. #hcr.
  • Example: @whitehouse -Time 2 take leadership and pass REAL #hcr! #PUBLICOPTION NOW! It's what u were elected 2 do!
Spread the word through Tweets.
  • Example: Next Stop 4 #PublicOption? Merger! Obama Unclear! CONTACT WHITEHOUSE! NO #TRIGGERS, NO CO-OPS #hcr #hc09.
  • Example: CALL White House at 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414. #OBAMA MUST DEMAND a #publicoption during Merger. #hcr RT RT RT RT #hc09 #p2
Senator Reid


Call: 202-224-3542. Tell him NO TRIGGERS, NO CO-OPS!

Spread the word through tweets:
  • Example: Next Stop 4 #PublicOption? Senator Reid & merging Baucus & Care. CONTACT HIM! PO NOW! #hcr #hc09 #healthcare
  • Example: Next Stop 4 #PublicOption? Merger! Reid on the fence! CONTACT HIM! NO #TRIGGERS, NO CO-OPS #hcr #hc09
  • Example: Next Stop 4 #PublicOption? Merger! Reid on the fence! CONTACT HIM! 202-224-3542 NO #TRIGGERS, NO CO-OPS #hcr #hc09
Senator Harkin

It would not hurt to drop Harkin a reminder as well. Baucus in hopeless.

Petitions: sign them all!

Also, if you have not yet signed the public option petitions, SIGN THEM NOW!

Email Other Senators and House Members

Most are web forms. Pick as many as you feel you have time for and drop them an email. Also, I posted an email template as the bottom of this post. Of course, it’s best to write your own. But, since I like OPTIONS, you can save some time by copying and pasting this template. DON’T FORGET to fill in names.

Here’s a list of Senators, along with contact info

Here a list of House members, along with contact info

Email Template

Dear Honorable [FULL NAME], United States Senate,

Americans like me appreciate and admire your service to our country. We especially appreciate the values and ethics you share with, as demonstrated by your vigorous efforts to make America’s promise of a better life a reality for all.

Over the coming weeks, you, Honorable [FULL NAME], will be presented with a health care reform bill passed by the Senate Finance Committee. I think we both can agree that this bill falls far short of meeting our shared values and ethics. A health care reform bill without a public option is, in reality, a preservation of a status quo which is risking our country’s financial future and failing to provide adequate health care for millions of Americans. Indeed, the public option is absolutely vital for any reasonable attempt to “bend the health care cost curve” over the decades to come, and absolutely crucial for providing health care for the 47 million people currently without health insurance.

I appeal to the values and ethics we both share by asking you, Honorable [FULL NAME], to echo the voices of those that have been overlooked by America’s promise. Speak out by insisting that the public option is not simply a legislative option, but is instead a requisite for bettering the lives all Americans, present and future.


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