Monday, October 19, 2009

Tweet for Climate Change Action

There is no other issue today that is more important than climate change. Sure, that’s a bold statement. But considering the fact that a changing climate will effect every living creature on this planet, and threaten the lives of millions of people (largely people too poor to contribute to green house gas emissions), I cannot easily see how any other issue could be more important to us today.

Just as this blog has begged for action on health care reform in the U.S., I now beg all of you to take some time to contribute to climate change action. The world is ready. Are we?

Aside from the fact that climate change action has been put off for far too long, there are two specific climate change events demanding our urgent attention. First, the Copenhagen climate change summit begins in early December and Americans need to ensure that Obama attends that summit with the credibility to make deals. That means that Congressional resolutions on climate change needs to be passed BEFORE Copenhagen. Bill Becker’s recent article entitled “Making Sure Uncle Sam is Dress for Copenhagen” is a must read for specifics. Secondly, there is currently a bill in the Senate (Kerry-Boxer bill) that is attempting grapple with climate change. The Democratic Underground has a nice summary of the proposed bill. As usual, powerful vested interests and fringe skeptics are threatening the passage of meaningful action.

So, you can start by signing some petitions and then tweet Senators. Demand strong action on climate change. The tools you need to do this are listed below. PLEASE, HELP HUMANITY BY TWEETING SENATORS.


Sign the "Hopenhagen" Petition!

Tell U.S. Senator John Kerry to protect the Environmental Protection Agency

Sign Sierra Club petition against use of coal.




If you want to save time, please feel free to copy and paste these tweets. As recommended by the Daily Kos, these are some of the more important Senators to tweet.

Sen Mcaskill (@clairemc): 2day, history is made! World unites & demands action on #climatechange. How will history judge YOU? #350ppm

Sen Lincoln (@blanchlincoln): Are You Hearing Us Today? Don't let the world down! #tcktcktck #p2 #cop15 #350ppm

Sen Udall (@MarkUdall): Who will YOU side with, humanity or coal, oil, and gas? #tcktcktck ##climatechange #350ppm

Sen Bennet (@mbennet): >>>350, the world unites! Are YOU with us? #tcktcktck #p2 #350ppm

Sen Feingold (@russfeingold): Today it's clear! The world WANTS #climatechange action. Will YOU do the right thing? #tcktcktck #350ppm

Sen Begich (@MarkBegich): 2day, history is made! World unites & demands action on #climatechange. How will history judge YOU? #350ppm

Sen Warner (@MarkWarner): Who will YOU side with, humanity or coal, oil, and gas? #tcktcktck ##climatechange #350ppm

Sen Cantwell (@senatorcantwell): Are You Hearing Us Today? Don't let the world down! #tcktcktck #p2 #cop15 #350ppm

Sen Dorgan (@ByronDorgan): >>>350, the world unites! Are YOU with us? #tcktcktck #p2 #350ppm

Sen Feinstein (@DianneFeinstein): Today it's clear! The world WANTS #climatechange action. Will YOU do the right thing? #tcktcktck #350ppm

Sen Hagan (@Kayhagan): Be a postive part of history! Hear our voices & take action on #climatechange! #tcktcktck #350ppm

Sen Lincoln (@blanchlincoln): US leadership is the "lynchpin" for #climatechange action! Don't let the world down! #tcktcktck #p2 #cop15

Sen Lincoln (@blanchlincoln): GHG emissions hve ↑ at close 2 most extreme IPCC scenarios! #CLIMATECHANGE action NOW! #tcktcktck #p2

Sen Bennet (@mbennet): As a country, r we going 2 side w coal, oil & gas or the rest of humanity? #CLIMATECHANGE action NOW! #tcktcktck #p2

Sen Bennet (@mbennet): Africa-by 2020, 75-250m ppl will b exposed 2 increased water stress due 2 #climatechange. #tcktcktck #p2

Sen Feingold (@russfeingold): The world is ready for #climatechange action. What are WE waiting for? #cop15 #tcktcktck #p2

Sen Feingold (@russfeingold): Summer 2009, ocean surface temps=62.5f, HIGHEST ON RECORD (NOAA). #climatechange. #tcktcktck #p2

Sen Warner (@MarkWarner): The world is ready for #climatechange action. The question is are You? #tcktcktck #cop15 #p2

Sen Warner (@MarkWarner): #ClimateChange forecast for S #Asia: by 2050, WHEAT production will ↓to 50% of 2000 level. #tcktcktck #cop15 #p2

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